Tag Archives: Insurance

Health Insurance for Relatives with Special Needs

Health Insurance for Relatives with Special Needs

Families often struggle to pay for health care for their relatives with special needs. Insurance rarely covers all the costs, and the many doctors’ invoices and prescription co-pays may be overwhelming. Make sure you take advantage of all the health …
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Can You Leave Life Insurance Proceeds to a Relative with Special Needs?

Can You Leave Life Insurance Proceeds to a Relative with Special Needs?

You may be interested in purchasing life insurance as a way to fund your child with special needs’ future expenses. It’s fine to get a policy as long as you can afford it. But do not make the common mistake …
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What Is the Difference Between Medicaid and Medicare?

What Is the Difference Between Medicaid and Medicare?

Despite their similar-sounding names, Medicaid and Medicare are very different programs. To understand how these programs could factor into your future planning for someone with special needs, learn about Medicaid and Medicare functions and eligibility requirements. Medicaid Medicaid assists people of all …
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Why Is Medicare Deducting Premiums from My SSDI Check, and Can the Deductions Be Avoided?

I Am Ineligible for Medicaid. What Next?

Medicare is a federal government health insurance program covering costs such as hospital charges, home health care, doctor fees, lab costs, outpatient care, and prescription drug coverage. Recipients pay premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance. For Medicare recipients who cannot afford all of …
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How Can I Use Insurance to Protect My Child with Special Needs’ Future?

How Can I Use Insurance to Protect My Child with Special Needs’ Future?

Protecting the future of your child with special needs requires a many-faceted approach, and insurance is only a part of it. Have you considered the role that insurance will play in your future plan? If not, now is the time …
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